
Showing posts from September, 2019

My Coursework So Far

Micro Elements Mise-en-Scene The film will be set in a city, filming in multiple locations. The hair/makeup/clothing will be normal. Cinematography I am going to film at many levels, possibly even over the top in order to make the audience feel like they are the clairvoyant in the film. Sound Currently I am split between a more traditional use of dialogue and ambience/diegetic sound or using a voiceover. Editing I think I will use cross-cutting, jump cuts as well as shot-reverse-shot through my short. Macro Elements Audience In terms of audience, I think that I want them to read that you shouldn't change something if it isn't wrong. Genre I am currently thinking that my film will be a thriller or sci-fi, although less alien and more supernatural. Narrative The narrative will probably be linear, although there may be some flashbacks spread throughout. Representation